First of all, I wish you a happy new year 2021!
We wish you an awesome (and hopefully better) year than 2020.
So you might wonder where we’re at with the Prusa Box project? Well I’m very happy to tell you that production has started as planned! So we are on track with our schedule and you can expect the box to be shipped near mid February 2021.
Technical improvements
Prototype doors were done with 1.5 mm thickness PMMA. I’ve been using the prototype for 30 days with no trouble whatsoever.
That said, production I decided to increase the sturdiness to 2mm thick PMMA for this first batch.
So those doors are a tad bit stronger and noise reduction should improve slightly as well.
For those who already printed the hinge, I will release a dedicated spacer STL file.
At first I designed the hinges with M3 long screws.
To get an easier mount/unmount I decided to switch to Ø3×24 pins.
Of course those pins will be included in the kit.
STL will be modified a little with larger hole. For those who already printed it, you can drill it with a 3mm bit.
I modified the PSU hole to get more space for additional electronic component on the back (led, fan, additional power supply…)